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    A+Vitamin D 180 mjuka kapslar

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    119 kr
    Rec. price 139 kr
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    A+ Vitamin D contains vitamin D3 with a generous dose of 62.5 µg per capsule, which equels to 2500 IU (international units). Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system. As vitamin D is fat-soluble, A+ Vitamin D also contains MCT -oil from coconut for anhanced absorption. Vitamin D is also important for bones and dental health, among other things. Vitamin D is the vitamin that is rarest in food, and during the winter months it is also difficult for the body to form enough vitamin D due to lack of exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is usually called the vitamin of the sun as the body forms abundant vitamin D when you expose your skin to the sunlight. The further from the equator you live, the less vitamin D you get.

    1 capsule daily with meals. The recommended intake should not be exceeded. This dietary supplement should not replace an allidiag and varied diet. A diverse and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important.

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