20 NOV 2024

Lyko Group AB´s Nomination Committee appointed

The Nomination Committee of Lyko Group shall, according to the applicable Principles for the Appointment of the Nomination Committee decided by the Annual General Meeting, consist of the Chair of the Board and four members representing the four largest shareholders based on ownership in the company as of the end of the third quarter of the financial year.

Ahead of the Annual General Meeting in 2025, the Nomination Committee of Lyko Group has the following composition:

  • Kenneth Bengtsson, Chair of the Board, Lyko Group AB
  • Stefan Lyko, appointed by Lyko Holding AB
  • Carl-Mikael Lindholm, appointed by the Hamrin family
  • Alexandra Björklund, appointed by Fidelio Capital
  • Celia Grip, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder

The task of the Nomination Committee is to present proposals to the upcoming Annual General Meeting regarding the election of the Chair and other members of the Board, the election of auditors, as well as fees and other remuneration for Board assignments to each Board member and the auditor.
The composition of the Nomination Committee is based on ownership as of September 30, 2024. In total, approximately 83 percent of the company's shares (votes) are represented in the Nomination Committee. The aforementioned Nomination Committee remains in place until a new Nomination Committee is appointed.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 28, 2025. Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so via email: bolagsstamma@lyko.com or by mail to the following address: Lyko Group AB, Valberedningen, Äppelbovägen 60, SE-786 91 Vansbro, Sweden.

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