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    âme pureAdjustable Derma Stamp Platinum Kit

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    The âme pure® Adjustable Derma Stamp is equipped with 140 needles made of medical-grade surgical steel whose length is adjustable and can be set between 0.00mm and 1.00mm. This adaptability is optimal for treating blemished skin and acne scarring in various zones of the face, neck, and shoulders. By using this advanced tool, it is easy to avoid using the microneedling treatment directly on blemishes; the skin benefits from the advanced treatment while inflamed breakouts are avoided and protected. With the Adjustable Derma Stamp, treating blemishes and acne scarring is easy and efficient while also being safe.

    How to use:
    We recommend performing the microneedling treatment with the Adjustable Derma Stamp during the evening 2-4 times per week every second week. You will have 1 week where you perform the treatment and 1 week where you do not. For example, use the stamp on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Then, take a 1-week break. Repeat until the 2-month course is completed. If you have sensitive skin, skip more days between treatment sessions, e.g. use the stamp on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday. Never perform the microneedling treatment 2 days in a row because the skin needs time to recover. Apply the Collagen Therapy™ PLATINUM Gel on the treated area immediately after performing the microneedling treatment.

    180 g

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