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    BeurerAnsiktsbastu FS 60

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    463,20 kr
    Ord. price 579 kr20
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    For radiant and gorgeous skin, the BEURER Ansiktsbastu FS 60 gently opens your pores and preps your skin for a deep cleanse.

    The soothing aroma application adds an extra touch of wellness. With 2 steam intensity levels and adjustable steam output, you can customize your experience. A handy measuring cup is included. Power: 120 watts.

    - BEURER Ansiktsbastu FS 60 for cosmetic skincare
    - Steam addition for calming inhalation
    - Scent container for aroma applications
    - Adjustable steam output
    - 2 intensity levels
    - Convenient measuring cup

    1 st
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