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    CsoapsYogamatcleaner Neroli 185 ml

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    Calling all yogabunnies and gymrats. When you are all pumped up to work out, when your nose meets the mat, and you feel like quitting. No excuses, we made a cleaning spray, you can bring with you in your workout bag. The Yoga Mat Spray is vegan, natural-based, and we have created a completely new scent mix for C made from neroli. It's an extract from bitter orange blossoms, but we've also mixed in a little almond, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood, vanilla, and tonka bean. You're allowed to say Namaste.

    The cleaner for your training mat, weights and gear that eliminates germs and bad odors. The spray nozzle is super efficient and distributes the product in a way that makes the cleaning the light part of warming up. The fantastic organic perfumeof neroli and tonkabean will get you going again.

    185 ml
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