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    Great EarthBioCell Collagen 60 kap Refill

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    302 kr
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    BioCell Collagen contains a combination of collagen type II, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid. These three substances are important for the body's joints, skin and connective tissue.
    There are different types of collagen. Collagen type II is the predominant type of collagen in articular cartilage. BioCell Collagen is produced through a patented process that provides quick and effective absorption in the body.
    The source of the active ingredients in the product is chicken cartilage. Chicken cartilage is very similar to human articular cartilage and is therefore easily absorbed by the body. The extract is produced by hormone- and antibiotic-free chickens.

    Recommended intake: 2 capsules daily with a meal.

    60 st
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