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    maria nilaCoils & CurlsBundle Conditioner Wash 350 ml & Masque 250 ml Luscious Curl Gel 125 ml

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    779 kr*
    Without bundle: 780 kr
    Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately
    * Cannot be combined with discount codes.

    maria nila Co-Wash

    A moisturizing conditioner wash.

    350 ml

    maria nila Finishing Treatment Masque

    A curl defining, deeply nourishing and detangling finishing treatment.

    250 ml

    maria nila Luscious Curl Definer

    This rich styling gel will provide deep moisture and definition, that will give a medium, buildable hold. This gel is suitable when in need of a stronger hold with lots of controlled definitio

    Apply to wet hair from top to ends. Scrunch the hair upwards for well defined curls. Once fully dry, scrunch out the crunch. Add more product for more definition.

    125 ml

    • Category:Co-Wash
    • Article number:

    Hair issues? Lets Fix it! Up to 25% off on haircare.

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