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    ClearblueDigital graviditetstest med veckoindikator, 1 st

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    129 kr
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    Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Week Indicator is the first and only test that’s as reliable as an ultrasound dating of your pregnancy(1). Its clever dual sensor tells you in words whether you’re pregnant or not on the digital screen, and it also reveals how many weeks have passed since conception – with results showing as 1-2, 2-3, or 3+(2). With this at-home pregnancy test kit, you can test up to five days before your missed period (that’s four days before your expected period). A whopping 65% of pregnancy results can be detected five days before your missed period.
    If you’re testing before your period is due, make sure to use your first morning urine for the most reliable week indicator result. If you want more info about the product or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our advice team Monday to Friday between 9 AM and 12 PM.

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    713 kr
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