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    EcodentaExpert LineBlack Whitening toothpaste 100 ml

    9 reviews, 2.8 on average
    69 kr
    Free delivery option available from 200 kr, can be sent immediately

    Full of nature, with Black Charcoal + Teavigo™ and gifted with superpowers. It effectively whitens teeth, successfully wipes out plaque and its extremely long-lasting freshness effect is phenomenal. Innovative brilliance created by science’s super brains to keep your teeth white and beautiful.

    How To Use:
    Children of 6 years and younger: Use a pea sized amount for supervised brushing to minimize swallowing. In case of intake of fluoride from other sources consult a dentist or doctor.

    100 ml

    Often bought together

    148 kr
    419 kr

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