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    ViternaCarnitine 90 caps

    3 reviews, 3.9 on average
    199 kr
    Free delivery option available from 200 kr, can be sent immediately

    L-Carnitine is one of the most important amino acid for weight loss. L-Carnitine is responsible for the transport of fat to the cells of the muscle where fat is burned. In physical activity, L-Carnitine will increase performance and be used as energy. In other words L-Carnitine draws fat into the muscles to use it as energy. Along with a good diet, you will achieve your goals much faster if your goal is to loose fat.

    - 500 mg of L-Carnitine per capsule
    - Stimulates fat burning
    - Increases performance during training
    Recommended intake: 3 capsules a day divided during the day with meals. We recommend combining this with CLA for best results.

    90 capsules

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