
Hardcore Mass Gainer
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Viterna Gainer is a well-developed gainer with a whopping 1300 kcal in a full serving with one of the market's highest protein content and lowest sugar content. The product is enriched with vitamins and minerals as well as digestive enzymes to be extra kind to the stomach.
Mass gainer is perfect for those who want to gain weight or want a very stable snack.

- Amazing flavors
- High protein content
- Low sugar content
- Digestive enzymes
- Enriched with vitamins and minerals

Näringsinnehåll per / Nutritional values per /
Sisällys per (alla smaker / all flavors / kaikki maut)........100g....320g
Energi / Energy / Energiaa.................................1727(kJ).......................5531(kJ)
Fett/ Fat / Rasvaa.................................................8g...............................25,6g
- Varav mättat fett / of wich saturated fat / Josta tyydyttynyttä............6g.............................19,2g
Kolhydrater / Carbohydrates / Hiilihydraatit.......50g..............................160g
- Varav sockerarter /Of wich sugars / Josta sokereita..........6g.............................19,2g
Fiber/ Kuiti..............................................................2,51g..........................8g
Protein / Protein /Proteiinia.................................34g...........................108g
Salt / Salt /Suolaa................................................0,07g...........................0,2g

Vitaminer och mineraler per (alla smaker / all flavors / kaikki maut)........100g....320g
Vitamin C...................40 mg................128 mg
Zink / Zinc / Sinkki............5 mg...........16 mg
Järn / Iron / Rauta............7 mg...........22,4 mg
Vitamin E ........................6 mg............19,2 mg
Vitamin B3.......................8 mg............25,6 mg
Mangan / Manganese / Mangaani...........1 mg......3,2 mg
Jod / Iodine / Jodi....................25 µg..............80 µg
Koppar / Copper / Kupari.......0,17 mg.........0,54 mg
Vitamin B5......................3 mg........9,6mg
Selen / Seleeni..............27,5 µg......88 µg
Vitamin D3 .....................2,5 µg.........8 µg
Vitamin B6......................0,7 mg........2,2 mg
Riboflavin / Riboflaviini..........0,7 mg.......2,2 mg
Tiamin / Thiamine / Tiamiini........0,65 mg........2 mg
Vitamin A..............400 µg........1280 µg
Folsyra / Folic acid / Foolihappo.........100 µg.........320 µg
Krom / Chromium / Kromi.......20 µg............64 µg
Biotin / Biotiini........25 µg............80µg
Vitamin B12...........1,25 µg.........4 µg

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Drink 1 serving (8 scoops, approx. 320g) every day, even on non-training days. Mix half a serving (4 scoops, approx. 160g) with 500ml of water or milk and drink after training. The remaining 4 scoops can be taken at any time during the day.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: Drink 1 serving (8 scoops, approx. 320g) every day, even on non-training days. Mix half a serving (4 scoops, approx. 160g) with 500ml of water or milk and drink after training. The remaining 4 scoops can be taken at any time during the day.

2200 g

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