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    PurenessElektrolytpulver Tropical 240 g

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    269 kr
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    120 g240 g

    Pureness’s electrolyte powder is a sugar-free, comprehensive and delicious electrolyte drink powder that helps maintain the balance of necessary electrolytes in your body. It contains Guérande sea salt as a source of sodium, along with other key electrolytes, as well as vitamin C and organic sulphur (OptiMSM®).

    The product is suitable for hydration whenever you sweat during sports, in the sauna or on a hot summer day. One dose contains only 0.1 g of carbohydrates. Vegan product.

    Use the dosage spoon (5 g) and mix the electrolyte powder in a glass of water, 1-4 times a day.

    240 g

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