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    HeromeCuticle Peeling Gel 10 ml

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    185 kr
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    The ultimate scrub gel for cuticles. Perfect for dry and ingrained cuticles. A mild peeling that will loosen and, if necessary, remove cuticles and uneven skin. How to: Apply a generous layer of Cuticle Peeling Gel in a U shape around the cuticles. Leave for 5 minutes and then scrub. Rinse with water until you have removed all the product. Gently push back the cuticles with a cuticle pusher or a rose stick.

    How to: Apply a generous layer of Cuticle Peeling Gel in a U shape around the cuticles. Leave for 5 minutes and then scrub. Rinse with water until you have removed all the product. Gently push back the cuticles with a cuticle pusher or a rose stick.

    10 ml
    • Category:Nail Care
    • Article number:
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