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    KOCOSTARYellow Cream Patch Blemish Relief Essence + Cotton Swabs

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    284 kr
    Ord. price 379 kr25
    Limited supply offer
    Free delivery option available, can be sent immediately

    KOCOSTAR Yellow Cream Patch is an innovative product that forms a clear cellulose film that works as a barrier for blemishes while effectively soothing irritated skin with its gentle formula. Containing niacinamide, salicylic acid, tea tree oil and sulphur, the Yellow Cream Patch balances sebum production, reduces whiteheads and blackheads, and calms the skin, and is clinically proven to reduce blemishes and prevent breakouts. The Yellow Cream Patch can cover any blemish regardless of it's size and shape and it can be used even under makeup! In the packaging you also get 50 pieces of 100 % vegan OEKO-TEX certified pure cotton swabs. OEKO-TEX is a global certification system, that verifies that the tested products are free from harmful substances such as allergenic dyes and carcinogens.

    Cleanse your face and dry it with a towel. Take out the sterile cotton swab from it's packaging. Pinch the side marked with an arrow and pull to open. Dip the cotton swab into the solution. Apply on the surface of the blemish and wait 5-10 minutes until the solution dries clear. Wash off with lukewarm water after 8-10 hours. If difficult to remove, soak it first and gently roll from the edge. TIP: The product is easier to remove if applied thickly.

    20 ml +

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