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    Micro CellNail Wonder

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    155 kr
    Free delivery option available from 200 kr, can be sent immediately

    Micro Cell 2000 Nail Wonder is a topcoat that adds shine to the nails and extends the durability of painted nails.

    Nail Wonder has a unique formula that acts as a sealing varnish that extends the durability of varnished nails and protects against external influences. This clear lacquer effectively fills in grooves and unevenness in the nails, as well as refreshes the color so that the nails get a freshly painted shine.

    Micro Cell 2000 Nail Wonder is a topcoat that adds shine to the nails and extends the durability of painted nails.

    Nail Wonder has a unique formula that acts as a sealing varnish that extends the durability of varnished nails and protects against external influences. This clear lacquer effectively fills in grooves and unevenness in the nails, as well as refreshes the color so that the nails get a freshly painted shine.

    12 ml
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