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    Noble IsleWild Samphire Duo

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    459 kr*
    Rec. price 475 kr
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    Noble Isle Wild Samphire Hand Wash

    This mineral rich, Wild Samphire Luxury Hand Wash is abundant in vitamins and minerals, promoting healthy, bright hands, while filling your bathroom with fresh, clean and lush scents of the coastline. Our hand washes have natural antibacterial properties, contain natural cleansers and are non-drying. Vegan, paraben-free, SLS-free, gluten-free and cruelty-free.

    Our hands perform many tasks every day and deserve to be treated to our luxurious, non-drying Hand Wash. Designed to cleanse and comfort, while releasing irresistible, long-lasting aroma.

    250 ml

    Noble Isle Wild Samphire Hand Lotion

    This mineral rich, Wild Samphire Luxury Hand Lotion is abundant in vitamins and minerals, promoting healthy, bright hands, while filling your bathroom with fresh, clean and lush scents of the coastline. Vegan, paraben-free, SLS-free, gluten-free and cruelty-free

    A hydrating Hand Lotion, silky and smooth, yet light and easily absorbed; leaving skin feeling luxurious with long-lasting scent. Use after using Wild Samphire Hand Wash

    250 ml

    • Category:Hand Care
    • Article number:

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