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    NuxeNuxuriance ULTRAThe Eye & Lip Contour Cream 15 ml

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    660 kr
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    The natural anti-age solution, more effective than retinol. Targets the specific expression lines of the eyes and smile. The result is an ageless transformation: puffiness and dark circles are reduced, the eyes are smoother and more rested. Eye and lip contours.

    Take up the equivalent of 2 grains of rice of eye cream, distribute the product over your index fingers and dab gently over the bony area below both eyes. Place your index fingers in the inner corners of your eyes and make 3 smoothing movements from the inner to the outer corner of the eyes. Repeat 3 times below the arch of the brow without applying additional product (avoiding the upper eyelid). Then make firm circular movements over the crow’s feet area. Finish by tapping lightly with your fingertips to encourage decongestion of the eye area. Ideally in the morning and at night.

    15 ml
    • Category:Eye Cream
    • Article number:

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