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    RFSUGraviditetstest 25 st

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    289 kr
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    Discover if you're expecting with the RFSU Pregnancy Test 25 pcs, a quick and straightforward way to test at home. This test measures the hCG hormone in your urine, which is produced once an egg is fertilized. It boasts a sensitivity level of 25 mlU/ml. For best results, take the test from the day you expect your period, though morning urine will give you the most accurate reading. It's the same professional-grade test trusted by midwives and gynecologists, featuring easy-to-use paper strips.

    For the most reliable results, use your first morning urine. Collect a sample in a clean container, dip the test strip in for 15 seconds, and then wait 1-5 minutes to see if you're about to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

    25 pcs

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