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    ViternaOmega 3 Högkoncentrerad (70%) 300 Caps

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    379 kr
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    Viternas Omega-3 is a dietary supplement with highly concentrated fish oil. The high concentration of omega-3 allows you to receive the recommended daily dose through only a few capsules per day.

    Omega-3 contributes to a normal functioning of the heart and brain.

    We are proud to present a product with such a high concentration with added Vitamin E.

    - Highly concentrated
    - For your heart and brain
    - With added Vitamin E

    Ingredients (PER SERVING) ..... Quantity
    Omega 3 ................................................ .......... 640mg
    - of which EPA ............................................... ...... 330mg
    - of which DHA ............................................... ...... 220mg
    Other Omega-3 fatty acids ............................... 90mg
    Vitamin E ................................................ .......... 3.8mg (32% RDI)

    Recommended intake: 1 - 4 capsules per day with meals. Feel free to divide it during the day.

    120 capsules

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