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    WeledaRosemary Invigorating Bath Milk 200 ml

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    209 kr
    Rec. price 219 kr
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    An invigorating bath additive that brings a refreshing vibe for both body and mind. The scent of rosemary essential oils stimulates your senses and helps shake off that tired feeling. Weleda Rosemary Invigorating Bath Milk 200ml is perfect for waking you up and making you feel alert in the morning or for giving you a boost of energy anytime during the day. 

    Usage: Shake the bottle, add 3–5 caps to your already drawn bath water, and give it a swirl. It also works wonders in a foot bath.

    Ingredients: Water, rosemary oil, olive oil-based soap

    200 ML

    200 ml
    • Category:Bath
    • Article number:
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