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    ZarkoperfumeGift Set Twin Set Pink Molécule 090.09 EdP + Purse Spray

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    Do you want to give a unique and luxurious fragrance as a Christmas present? Then the perfume PINK MOLéCULE 090.09 from Danish Zarkoperfume is a perfect choice! This Christmas box contains a full-size perfume (100ml) and a travel size (12ml), perfect for the handbag.

    PINK MOLECULE 090.09
    In an interpretation of the Nordic elements, combined with pink champagne, Zarkoperfume PINK MOLéCULE 090.09 creates a feeling of a warm spring breeze together with the scent of the sea and dark Danish woods. An innocent scent that radiates purity but with intense, sensual undertones – like pink champagne à la Nordic. PINK MOLéCULE is a feminine perfume with notes of elderflower, apricot, black orchid, mahogany, and wood accord. The fragrance is almost mineral-like as it has no heart notes but goes directly from the top notes to the base notes. PINK MOLéCULE 090.09 is vegan.

    Top: Elderberry, apricot, black orchid, pink molecules (scent of champagne)
    Heart: –
    Base: Mahogany, cream accords, dark wood accords

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