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3INAThe Mini Konjacs
3 Mini Konjak sponges: 1. Gray (Charcoal & Bamboo): Contains activated carbon and various minerals that are perfect for removing excess oil on skin. 2. White (100% pure Konjak) - It helps to balance the PH of the skin while still genlty cleansing and exfoliating the dead skin cells leaving your skin clean and refreshed. Great for all sking types. You can use this with your daily cleanser. 3. Pink - Clay Konjak - Rich in minerals this pink konjak helps deal with rosacea. Ideal for dry to sensitve skin. Have rejuvenating properties.
How To Use:
HOW TO USE - simply soak the sponge for about 10 to 20 minutes (if it's your first time using it), allowing it to expand and soften. Give the sponge a squeeze to release excess water and then add your go-to cleanser. From there, use the sponge to gently scrub your face in circular motions. Once cleansed and satisfied, rinse out the sponge and hang it to air-dry over night.
- Kategori:Blending Sponge
- Artikelnummer:3098-144-0000