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A+ Multi Vitamin 100 kap Refill
A+ Multivitamin 100 casplues in a flexible and recyclable refill bag. The bag can also be resealed and used daily, while keeping the ingredients safe. A+ Multivitamin is a complete, well balanced and entirely vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement which combines vitamins and minerals together with citrus bioflavonoids and choline. Vitamins and minerals are necessary substances which the body needs in order to function optimally. Together with a nutritious and varied diet, A+ Multivitamin can help ensure that you get a complete intake of all the essential vitamins and minerals you need. A+ Multi Vitamin is what you can call a premium variant of multi-supplements as it contains lavish and easily absorbable forms of vitamins and minerals. A+ Multi Vitamin contains, among other things, methylated forms of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which means that they have already been converted into their active form. Vitamin C and pantothenic acid contributes to reduce fatigue and exhaustion. Pantothenic acid also contributes to normal mental performance. Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function.
2 capsules daily with meals. The recommended intake should not be exceeded. This dietary supplement should not replace a comprehensive and varied diet. A diverse and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3555-127-0100