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A+Omega 3 110 mjuka kapslar
A+ Omega-3 is a supplement with highly concentrated fish oil, with 70% omega 3 per capsule, which contains the important fatty acids DHA and EPA and in a larger dose than standard fish oils on the market. A+ invest on Norwegian when it comes to the product A+ Omega 3, as the fish oil and capsules are manufactured in Norway. The fish used in the fish oil has been fished sustainably and is Friend of the Sea certified, which proves its origin and sustainability. These fatty acids are essential, which means that they must be supplied via the diet, above all in the form of fatty fish. DHA contributes to maintaining normal brain function and to normal eyesight. EPA and DHA also contribute to the normal function of the heart.
1-2 capsules daily with meals. The recommended intake should not be exceeded. This dietary supplement should not replace an allidiag and varied diet. A diverse and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3555-102-0110