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    Couleur CaramelBright Lipstick Coral n°260

    Vær den første til at anmelde produktet
    Produktet er udgået og kan ikke længere købes
    * Kan ikke kombineres med rabatkoder.

    How about a bright satin lipstick in 17 gorgeous shades? Long lasting and softening texture feels comfortable on the lips. Applies beautifully and offers bright color and a satin finish. Organic jojoba oil hydrates and softens the lips, and organic castor oil softens and nourishes. Organic sweet almond oil nourishes and protects the lips and makes the lipstick easy to apply.

    Line the lips with a lip pencil and apply an even coat of lipstick. Feeling creative? Create your own, unique blend by combining two or more shades!

    4 g