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DavinesEssentialMinu Shampoo 75 ml
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75 ml250 mlMINU Shampoo is the ultimate go-to for color-treated hair. It adds shine, protection, and that extra glow your locks crave. Infused with extracts from the caper flower, it’s packed with quercetin, a powerful amino acid that helps safeguard your hair's structure, along with polyphenols that keep your color vibrant.
The Essential Haircare packaging is designed with sustainability in mind, using the least amount of plastic necessary to protect the product. Made from food-safe plastic, these containers can even be reused for food storage.
As part of the LifeGAte Zero Impact project, the CO2 emissions from the production of each Essential Haircare product are offset by funding the planting and protection of forests in Madagascar.
All Essential Haircare products are crafted using energy from renewable sources.
- Kategori:Shampoo
- Artikelnummer:2131-122-0075