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DAVROECURLiCUE Curl Balm 200 ml
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50 ml200 mlHydrating balm to activate and enhance natural curls.
Fortified with Kakadu Plum and Lotus Flower Extract, this lightweight balm works to activate the natural curl pattern, eliminating frizz while hydrating the hair to give the curl movement, and flexible definition. Enriched with Avocado Oil, CURLiCUE Curl Balm actively detangles and deeply moisturises the hair to leave it smooth, glossy and bouncy, all while providing UV and heat protection.
How To Use:
DIRECTIONS: Scruch into damp or dry hair, distributing evenly from roots to ends. For extra definition, work generously into sectioned hair, finger coiling each curl. Let hair air dr, or dry with diffuser for added lift and definition. Can also be scrunched in for added hydration when refreshing the curl with CURLiCUE Curl Activator.
TIP; For an extra boost of moisture, mix a few drops of CURLiCUE Hydrating Hair Oil in with CURLiCUE Curl Balm before applying.
- Kategori:Leave-in
- Artikelnummer:2641-178-0200