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HolisticChlorella 250 tabletter 250 stk
Holistic Chlorella Tablets are a dietary supplement. This vibrant green algae, chlorella, is one of nature's most nutrient-packed plants. It also boasts chlorella growth factor (CGF), which is unique to chlorella. Holistic Chlorella Yaeyama Premium Quality is among the purest in the world and is approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health. It's cultivated in ponds on an island 2000 km south of Japan. After harvesting, it’s gently dried and the cell walls are crushed to preserve all those amazing nutrients.
Recommended dosage for adults: 5 tablets twice a day or as advised. Start with a ¼–½ dose and gradually increase. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3946-103-0250