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HolisticMSM 200 g
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) naturally occurs in the body and plays a crucial role in collagen production – the protein essential for building connective tissue, muscles, bones, hair, and skin. This organic sulfur compound can also be found in grains, legumes, eggs, and red meat. It features pure distilled MSM from OptiMSM™.
Adults should take 2–4 g per day (roughly 1/2–1 tsp) mixed in 200 ml of water, or follow specific recommendations. Start slow with your dosage. Begin with 1 g per day (1/4 tsp) during the first week. Then, increase your dose by 1 g weekly until you reach the 2–4 g daily target. Do not exceed the suggested dosage. Remember, dietary supplements are not a substitute for a diverse diet.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3946-129-0200