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HolisticVassleprotein jordgubb 750 g
• Protein helps to increase & maintain muscle mass
• Added chromium for normal blood sugar levels
• With enzymes for sensitive stomachs and lactose breakdown
• Ultrafiltrated whey protein concentrate, carefully sourced from Nordic farms
Protein is the building block of your body, essential for muscle growth and maintenance, as well as keeping your bones strong. Holistic Whey Protein boasts a high protein content and includes all essential and non-essential amino acids in the perfect balance, making it ideal for both intense workouts and daily protein needs. The whey is sourced exclusively from cows on Nordic farms (Sweden, Norway, Finland) to ensure the highest quality and purity.
This product contains no sweeteners or added sugars. To make the whey protein easier to digest, it includes digestive enzymes that enhance protein absorption and break down lactose. This makes it a great choice even for those who are slightly or moderately lactose sensitive. The mineral chromium is added to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Holistic Whey Protein is perfect for breakfast, snacks, and desserts. You can easily mix it into your smoothie, oatmeal, or just with water.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3946-141-0750