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LocobaseProtect 350 g
Locobase Protect is a super nourishing, moisture-locking, and protective cream designed for dry and irritated skin. Apply Locobase Protect to those vulnerable spots on your body. With its high fat content, this cream is incredibly rich, so just use as much as your skin can absorb.
Locobase Protect is perfect for anyone with skin-challenging jobs or problematic skin. It's recommended for both kids and adults. You can use it all over your body, especially on your hands, feet, and face.
Fragrance-free. Fat content 70%.
Start with a small amount (for your hands, a dollop the size of your pinky nail is usually enough). Feel free to apply more if your skin needs it. It works for up to 6 hours, depending on how much your skin is put to the test.
- Kategori:Bodylotion
- Artikelnummer:3835-100-0350