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GlitternistiFiji XL Holographic Cosmetic Glitter 5 ml
Holo there! If you love holographic glitter just as much as we do, you’ll LOVE this! You get extra points for knowing the reference!
Fiji XL is the thing! Our all-time best-seller is a mix of several different sized holographic silver glitter flakes, the largest one being around 7 mm wide! This works extremely well on your hair and body.
Dampen your skin with a product like Vaseline or Miracle Balm. Simply apply glitter generously with your fingers or with a makeup brush. The more the better! It is good to remember that if you dip your makeup brush into glitter, it will always have a bit of glitter on it. So maybe save your most luxurious brushes for something else! Check out the Magic Brush which is super for applying glitter!
Glitters look great on your face, hair, and body. You can also use them for nails! Mix & match and get creative!
- Kategori:SFX Makeup
- Artikelnummer:3767-102-0005