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    MedihealA:PE Proatin Mask Soothing 25 ml

    Vær den første til at anmelde produktet
    35 kr.
    Fri fragt ved køb over 300 kr., kan sendes med det samme. Udvidet returret. Ordrer afgivet i perioden mellem 01.11.24 - 31.12.24 kan byttes frem til 14.01.2025.

    Mediheal A
    Proatin Mask is a soothing mask that contains extract from the edelweiss plant and fermented extract from California yerba santa. This mask is specially formulated to calm irritated and sensitive skin while strengthening the skin’s protective barrier. The serum in the mask is enriched with 19 amino acids and peptides, which maintain the skin’s structure and reinforce the skin barrier. The mask’s sheet is made of bamboo cellulose, providing a comfortable fit and ensuring that the serum is effectively absorbed into the skin, offering optimal hydration and nourishment.

    Suitable for all skin types, but especially beneficial for sensitive and irritated skin.

    Cleanse the face and apply toner. Then place the mask evenly over the face.

    25 ml