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Rigtig effektiv og god opsugning for negle, min kæreste var virkelig tilfreds. Den eneste ulempe er, at den larmer ret meget under brug, men ellers fungerer den fremragende! Ingen fejl overhovedet, fungerer fint, præcis som beskrivelsen siger. Anbefales!Oversat fra svensk
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NEONAILFuturo Dust Collector
FUTURO DUST COLLECTOR is a dust collector designed, created and designed by NEONAIL team. All this to answer all the needs of nail stylists and greatly facilitate their work. Reach for a reliable device, which is the FUTURO DUST COLLECTOR.
• quiet and comfortable operation,
• high efficiency,
• dust-free start, which prevents dust from floating when the device is switched on,
• replaceable filters to easily keep the dust collector clean,
• ergonomic shape that is both client-friendly and stylist-friendly,
• resistance to acetone and scratches,
• modern, bagless model.
- We recommend waiting a while before plugging the device in if it has previously been at low temperature so that it can reach room temperature.
- Plug the power supply into the socket and its other end into the absorber. The device is now ready for use.
- The dust collector is activated by turning the speed regulator, which is in the form of a knob on the right-hand side.
- The collector is switched off by turning the speed regulator in the opposite direction.
Replacing the filter in the FUTURO NEONAIL collector:
- Switch off the device and then lift the top filter cover.
- Remove the filter.
- Insert/replace the new filter and then put the filter cover back on
- Artikelnummer:3597-200-0000