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NOWDim 200 W/ Calcium D-Glucarate 90 stk
With NOW DIM 200, you can promote a healthy metabolism of hormones by supporting the body's normal detoxification processes. Diindolylmethane, or DIM, is a phytochemical that is a natural metabolite of certain compounds found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. The product includes calcium D-glucarate to support a process called glucuronidation, an important detoxification mechanism that facilitates the elimination of certain environmental toxins from the body. One of the main benefits of DIM is its ability to support healthy hormonal metabolism. It does this by facilitating the conversion of estrogen into its healthier forms, which can be crucial for maintaining a balanced hormonal profile. By supporting this natural metabolic process, DIM can be beneficial for both women and men of different ages.
Take 1 capsule daily with meals.
- Kategori:Immunforsvar & vitaminer
- Artikelnummer:3792-191-0090