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NOWLiquid Multi - Orange 473 ml
This unique formula uses brown rice milk protein as a stabilizer for maximum bioavailability of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. NOW Foods Liquid Multi Orange is an outstanding product when it comes to providing your daily essential nutrient needs in a practical and enjoyable way. The liquid formula allows for quick absorption, giving your body access to the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally. You get a complete multivitamin with no added iron, making it ideal for those with specific health needs. Plus, it's sweetened with xylitol, which provides a great flavor with no added sugar.
Shaken well. For adults: take one tablespoon (15 ml) daily in in connection with meals. For children 4 years of age or older: take one teaspoon (5 ml) daily in conjunction with meal. To maintain the taste, store the opened package in the refrigerator.
- Kategori:Immunforsvar & vitaminer
- Artikelnummer:3792-193-0473