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    Vær den første til at anmelde produktet

    nuudFamily Pack New Cream 80 ml

    Vær den første til at anmelde produktet
    299 kr.
    Fri fragt ved køb over 300 kr., kan sendes med det samme. Udvidet returret. Ordrer afgivet i perioden mellem 01.11.24 - 31.12.24 kan byttes frem til 14.01.2025.

    The Family Pack is a family-sized nuud supply. For you and your three flatmates. Or for you and your besties, colleagues, or teammates. In other words anyone you call family. Four tubes in four different colors so that everyone knows whose nuud is whose. And, it's 42% cheaper than a Starter Pack! Now we're thinking about - even smarter than a Smarter Pack.

    nuud is a 100% natural, vegan deodorant that stays effective for days. Our super-effective formula is based on our love of fresh armpits and the body’s natural microbiome.

    We stand for freshness without aluminium, fragrances, parabens, salt, or propellants.

    10 weeks of freshness in each tube.

    Try it and you'll find out why it's Mother Nature's favorite deodorant.

    The new cream is lighter, airier and lets your armpits breathe. How much and how often you apply remains the same by the way. A tiny pea sized amount of nuud every other day is more than plenty. Be sure to wait after a shave – give your armpits time to recover. The same for any underarm irritations - time to refrain from smearing, rolling or spraying. Rest is best.

    80 ml
    • Kategori:Deostick
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