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PuhdistamoAthletics Luomu Heraproteiini Natural
Puhdistamo's Organic Whey Protein Natural is an unflavored protein supplement made from high-quality organic whey concentrate. Our products have passed a strict control screen in terms of both milk quality and production processes.
The pure raw material guarantees a pleasant mild and delicious taste. This is why our whey protein is extremely easy to use: you can add powder to a smoothie or enjoy it as it is mixed with water.
It all starts with the highest possible quality raw material. For whey protein, this means milk, which is obtained from free-grazing cows. In winter, cows are fed with organic feed. Pure organic milk is used to make milk whey and from it eventually ultrafiltrate whey protein concentrate.
Puhdistamo's Whey protein is a natural supplement to meet your daily protein needs. The protein contained in the product promotes the growth and preservation of muscle mass, as well as the maintenance of normal bones.
Free of sugar, aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame K – including artificial flavourings, preservatives or colours.
One serving of 26 g (0.75 dl) contains about 21 g of protein. Mix with water (3-4 dl), milk, vegetable drink or smoothie of your choice and enjoy!
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3563-107-0001