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    PurenessTrippel Zink 60 stk

    Vær den første til at anmelde produktet
    95 kr.
    Produktet er ikke tilgængeligt på dette marked.

    Zinc is important for bones, hair and skin health. We at Pureness have worked hard on product development to produce a unique zinc supplement that the body can absorb. The first thing we did was to select three forms of zinc with the best absorption capacity (zinc picolinate, -bisglycinate and -monomethionine). Then we combined them with free amino acids to further promote the absorption of the preparation in the body. Finally, we added vitamin C as it promotes absorption, as well as supporting the positive effects of zinc on the immune system. Pureness Triple Zinc also contains the active form of vitamin B6, namely P5P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate). P5P helps the body use zinc, among other things. In addition, P5P stimulates the production of picolinic acid, which helps zinc to be absorbed in an excellent way by the body. The product contains 2 mg of P5P per capsule. That may be a lot of detailed information at once, but we are very proud of our Triple Zinc!

    1 capsule a day.

    60 st