SmooffRökavvänjning 4 stk
18-års aldersgrænse ved køb af ikke-receptpligtig medicin._DK
Smooff Smoking Cessation is a set of 4 unique filters to pop on your cigarette while you smoke – completely free from meds, new addictions, or side effects. Each filter is designed for a 7-day use, allowing you to gradually cut down on smoking and nicotine in small, manageable steps. Plus, it gives you the mental space to gear up for your planned quit date after 28 days. Smooff Smoking Cessation offers you a fresh start, so you don’t have to tackle nicotine addiction and smoking habits all at once!
Staying motivated and getting advice throughout the process boosts your chances of successfully quitting. That’s why Smooff Smoking Cessation comes with a detailed guide that walks you through your quitting journey week by week, along with a motivational card to inspire you and provide helpful tips. The Smooff filters can be stored in your cigarette pack or in the included filter holder. They’re compatible with regular-sized filter cigarettes.
Smooff Smoking Cessation includes:
– 4 different filters for your cigarette
– 1 mouthpiece for a smooth smoking experience
– 1 filter holder to keep your filter handy
– 1 detailed quitting guide
– 1 motivational card
- Artikelnummer:3225-100-0004