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UpgritKollagenprotein 500 g
Upgrit's own collagen protein of the highest quality from grass-fed cows. Collagen is found in our connective tissue, joints, cartilage, hair, nails and skin. As we age, the production of collagen decreases. Collagen protein contains glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, the three amino acids that the body uses to make its own collagen. Read more about why you should eat collagen protein >>
Why collagen protein?
Contains important amino acids that are often missing in our modern diet
glycine, proline and hydroxyproline
From grass-grazing cows
Peptan B - 100% hydrolyzed collagen
Neutral taste and mixes very easily in drinks
Lab tested
Type-1 collagen
How can collagen protein be used?
Our collagen protein can be advantageously mixed into smoothies, coffee, baking, soups. Mixes easily in both cold and hot drinks.
1 tablespoon (10 g). The collagen can be advantageously mixed into smoothies, coffee, baked goods and soups.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3791-100-0500