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UpgritMandelsmör EKO 300 g
Organic Almond Butter consists of 100% organic almonds, no other additives or combinations with other nuts. Perhaps one of the market's finest!
Use. Our Organic Almond Butter is soft in texture and works perfectly for baking or as a snack. For example, on apple slices, with yogurt or why not with banana! Top the almond butter with some flake salt and it enhances the experience! Short and sweet almond butter goes with most things. The almonds are roasted.
Our Organic Almond Butter is soft in texture and works perfectly for baking or as a snack. For example, on apple slices, with yogurt or why not with banana! Top the almond butter with some flake salt and it enhances the experience! Short and sweet almond butter goes with most things. The almonds are roasted.
- Kategori:Kosttilskud
- Artikelnummer:3791-116-0300