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- 1 årVerificeret køb
Super fint produkt
Børsten: Børsten var meget hår, og eftersom jeg har en meget følsom hovedbund fungerede den bare ikke til mig. Man kan håbe den bliver blødere med tiden. Exfoliating treatment: Rigtig lækker treatment, med små korn i, så den eksfoliere men uden det bliver for meget. Efterlader håret med en meget dejlig blød og ren følelse. Topical scalp suplement: Lækker dropper med en bøjet tud, så det er let at komme helt ned i hovedbunden. Alt i alt super lækre produkter som jeg glæder mig til at teste mere ud. #lykoreview21 visningerfor at skrive en kommentar
VirtueRefresh Scalp Treatment Duo Kit
Scalp health with Virtue’s® groundbreaking Topical
Scalp Supplement™, designed to nourish, soothe, and rebalance
hair straight from the follicle, the Exfoliating Scalp Treatment,
which stimulates circulation and sloughs o dry cells, and
Scalp Massage Tool. All three work in tandem to give you a
healthy scalp for growing strong, vibrant, youthful hair.
- All hair and scalp types.
- Safe for color-treated and chemically treated hair.
Nourish Nightly
Virtue® Topical Scalp Supplement™ is a highly potent, easily absorbed serum that boosts scalp and hair with nutrients.
Exfoliate & Condition Weekly or As Needed
Virtue® Exfoliating Scalp Treatment is a light, multitasking whipped crème that gently removes dead skin cells, balances scalp, and conditions without adding residue.
Stimulate Scalp
This unique Scalp Massage Tool is designed to enhance your experience with the Exfoliating Scalp Treatment by
+AB36 stimulating circulation and supporting healthy scalp
and hair.
- Kategori:Leave-in
- Artikelnummer:2944-114-0000