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  • Smells wonderful

    Vanilla EdT 15 ml

    This perfume smells wonderfully good of vanilla and freshly baked buns. I love it! Very affordable and a nice little bottle. I wish the scent lasted longer, but unfortunately it disappears quite quickly on me.

    Beatrice4 days

  • Good

    Vanilla EdT 15 ml

    It smells like vanilla ice cream, not sure if it's my scent, but if you like vanilla, this is the scent for you. I do love how it sprays evenly and slowly, so it becomes even. I will probably mix this with another scent, but for all the regular lovers, you have found a new favorite.

    Nellie1 week

  • Sugary vanilla scent

    Vanilla Spray Edt 25 ml

    Smells very sugary of vanilla! Not too strong, so it fits if you easily get headaches. Nice and practical bottle, perfect to have in your bag. Absolutely wonderful :)

    Buffy2 weeks

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