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    Australian BodycareFace Blackhead Remover

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    93 kr
    Rec. price 119 kr
    Free delivery option available from 200 kr, can be sent immediately

    Australian Bodycare Black Head Remover helps get rid of pimples and blemishes on the facial skin. Blackhead remover can be used for impure skin and oily skin. Use with good face cleansing products.

    Before using the blackhead remover, it is important to cleanse the skin completely free from bacteria. It opens the pores and makes it easier to pop pimples and blackheads.
    Remove makeup and then cleanse with the Australian Bodycare Face Wash to get rid of bacteria, excess sebum, etc. Continue with the Blackhead Remover and pop spots, whiteheads, and blackheads. Finish off by cleansing your skin free from excess sebum and impurities using Face Tonic from Australian Bodycare. Add moisture and a protective layer using the Australian Bodycare Face Cream.
    It is important to clean the Blackhead Remover after and before use to minimize the risk of bacteria on the skin and pores. Store the Blackhead Remover in a dry place.

    • Category:Other
    • Article number:
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