Beard Monkey

Latest reviews

  • You actually get clean

    Hair & body Bergamot & Amber 250 ml

    Clearly, men's products are better than women's products! This one is long-lasting, doesn't smell directly like a man, but a bit more punchy, doesn't leave a fake film on the skin. You just get clean. I bought this in large, not for myself, but ended up getting this for myself anyway. No point in buying the small one, you get so much more for the large 1000ml. So we both use the same one. I've tested a lot of different things that smell good in all price ranges, but none of them make you as clean as this for men. And I haven't had dry skin since😉

    Snugglepop1 week

  • Smells fantastic

    Sweet tobacco Beard oil 50 ml

    I almost want to eat the beard when the man has this on. And it gets so soft and even the skin feels really good from beard monkeys products.

    Maja3 months

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