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  • 1 week
    verified customer

    Easy to use

    Works and is easy to use. The bottle is small, but lasts quite a while. Bonus for the affordable price!
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  • 2 months

    Works very poorly.

    Even though I followed the instructions carefully, the edges of the polish barely lifted. After 45 minutes with warm water and oil remover, I gave up and used the tried-and-true method with acetone and cotton pads instead. Then I was able to remove the gel polish without any problems after 15 minutes. Additionally, the oil discolored my nails, and it took two weeks for the yellow color to disappear. So I cannot recommend the product.
    • Customer service at Lyko
      2 months
      Hey Helen! 🤗 Thank you for reviewing, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience 🤍 It's just a shame that this didn't work for you, maybe method 2 could work better? 💖⬇️ lyko.com/sv/depend/depend-gel-iq-remover-method-2--se-fi- Take care and have the best time! ☀️
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  • 3 months
    verified customer


    Works great and removes the gel polish easily in one piece.
    • 1 month
      Does it remove the tips?
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  • 1 years
    verified customer

    Ei toimi

    Ei valitettavasti toimi toivotulla tavalla. Geelilakkauksen poisto haastavaa ja siksi kynnet katkeaa.
    • Customer service at Lyko
      1 years
      Moikka Elina, Onpa ikävä kuulla kokemuksestasi! 🥹 Tässä vielä tuotteen valmistajalta saamani käyttöohje: Levitä poistoöljyä runsaasti kynnen ympärille ja hiero sitä huolellisesti vähintään 30 sekuntia kynsinauhan ympärille. Kasta kynnet lämpimään veteen 3 minuutin ajaksi. Pidä kättä veden alla samalla kun poistat lakan käyttäen kynsinauhatikkua. Poista yksi kynsi kerrallaan ja pidä kaikki kynnet vedessä tämän ajan. Jos kynnen pintaa on viilattu ennen kynsien laittamista tai jos kynnet/kädet ovat hyvin kuivat - menetelmä 2 poistoaineella ja foliokääreillä voi sopia paremmin. 😊 Toivottavasti tästä on sinulle apua. Ihanaa päivänjatkoa! 🤍
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DependGel iQRemover Oil Method 1 35 ml

26 reviews, 3.3 on average
49 kr
Free delivery option available from 200 kr, can be sent immediately

Removal of Gel iQ polish using method 1. Removes Gel iQ gently using vegetable oil. This method works for most nail types. Otherwise we recommend method 2, for example if you have extremely dry nails. Read Gel iQ instruction before use.

35 ml

Often bought together

134 kr
219 kr
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