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    Dr. HauschkaRose Deodorant 50 ml

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    235 kr
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    Knowing you're all set to face the day's challenges with a smile brings a sense of calm and harmony. In Dr Hauschka Rose Deodorant 50ml, we've meticulously mixed ingredients for a softly antiperspirant and nourishing effect. Rose water lends an elegant and sheer scent, while lady's mantle essence aids in perspiration control. Premium essential rose oil and jojoba oil pamper your skin with exceptional care. Our low-alcohol roll-on is kind to your skin, ideal for both normal and sensitive types. It promotes balance without the pore-tightening aluminum chloride and guarantees no stains on your outfits.

    Usage: Swipe Dr Hauschka Rose Deodorant 50ml under your arms. Reapply whenever necessary.

    50 ml
    • Category:Roll-on
    • Article number:

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