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    Elite HelseIntelligent Skin HealthVerisol Collagen Antioxydants & Vitamins 75 g

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    479 kr
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    Elite Helse believes that supplements play a role in our daily skincare routine. Powerful and precise supplements begin by enhancing beauty from within, utilizing functions crucial for the body’s inner well-being. Intelligent Skin Health Verisol® Collagen contains Bioactive Collagen Peptides that stimulate skin metabolism and increase collagen production. Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A contribute to enhanced cell renewal.

    Verisol® Collagen, supplemented with Bioactive collagen peptides, increases the skin’s metabolism and production of collagen, promotes skin health from within. The inclusion of zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A improves cell renewal and contributes to better skin health.

    Featured Ingredients:
    Verisol® Collagen
    Vitamin A & C

    Mix the powder with a hot or cold liquid as you wish, mix it in a smoothie or in yogurt.

    75 g

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