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    Elite HelseIntelligent Skin HealthToolsMicroneedling (0,75mm) Regeneration tool

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    399 kr
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    Dermarollers are also called microneedling. A derma roller is a skincare tool, a skin improvement tool that can also be used at home to rejuvenate the skin, treat acne scars and reduce signs of aging.

    Our Dermaroller Microneedling has 540 microneedles made of surgical steel. After a few minutes of use, the needles open thousands of small microchannels in the skin so that the skin can absorb up to 300% more of your chosen skin care product. This means that in combination with the right skin care product, Dermaroller Microneedling can significantly increase the efficiency and speed of the skin's healing process.

    Use the dermaroller 0.75mm on a well-cleansed face, once a night, for 3-5 days. Let the skin rest for 3-5 days. Repeat this cycle for 2 months and then let the skin rest for 1 month. It is important to sterilize before and after treatment. Spray with alcohol solution to sterilize. Cleanse the skin with Low PH Exfoliating Cleanser along with Sculpt and Clean. Apply The Xenobiotic Radiance Serum and roll over the skin, in four different directions, see the pictures. Apply Mattifier Antioxidant serum. Use Daily SPF 40 sunscreen every morning.

    80 ml
    • Category:Serum
    • Article number:

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